Buy with Prime FAQs

Buy with Prime is now available! If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can now get fast, free shipping and free returns on eligible products.

When you decide to purchase a product using Buy with Prime, you will be prompted to sign into your Amazon account. You can then complete your order using your preferred payment method stored in your Amazon account.

Yes! Buy with Prime purchases offer the fast, free delivery and free returns on eligible products and a seamless checkout experience shoppers trust.

You can check your order status by clicking on the link in your shipment confirmation email, which will bring you to your order details page on For Buy with Prime purchases, you can’t see or track orders on your orders page or in the Amazon mobile app.

Some Buy with Prime orders are eligible for return. To start a return, view your order status from the link in the email you received after you placed your order. You'll be able to begin the return process and print a USPS return label. For eligible orders, you will receive a full refund as long as the returned items are in resellable condition and returned within the return window. If you have questions about return eligibility or the return process, contact us here. Buy with Prime orders are covered by the Amazon Pay A-to-Z Guarantee.

Contact us if you either have a question or experience an issue with your Buy with Prime order. You'll receive an order confirmation email with a link to see your order status and how to contact