What Should You Do if You’re Kayaking During a Thunderstorm?

The last thing you want is to be caught in the middle of a thunderstorm while kayaking. The combination of water and lightning can turn your serene adventure into a hazardous situation.

Weather can change spontaneously. Blue skies can quickly turn into dark clouds, roaring thunder, and rain, leaving you stranded in a storm. Learn what to do when kayaking during a thunderstorm and how to enhance your safety.

Assess Your Surroundings

The first step when a storm approaches is to assess your surroundings. Are you near the shore or in the middle of a large body of water? If the shore is nearby, paddle toward it as quickly as possible. Being on land is always safer than being on water during a thunderstorm. If you have to dock near trees, look out for branches that might be in your way. Keep in mind that open water is a prime target for lightning strikes.

Get Off the Water

The most dangerous places to be during a thunderstorm are on, near, or surrounded by water due to water’s high conductivity. When lightning strikes the water’s surface, the electric current dissipates in all directions. Anything in or near water is a potential target for electrical shocks.

If a thunderstorm rolls in while you’re kayaking, get off the water. Once you’re on shore, quickly remove yourself and your gear from the water’s edge.

Seek Shelter

After reaching land, the next step is seeking shelter. Although you are no longer on the water, you are still vulnerable to lightning. After docking, head for nearby structures. If you’re in a remote area without buildings, look for a low spot in the terrain. Avoid standing under solitary trees, as they are prime targets for lightning strikes.

Wait It Out

Once you’ve taken these precautions, all you can do is wait. Only return to the water 30 minutes after the most recent sound of thunder or sight of lightning. Lightning can strike as far as 25 miles away from its parent storm—even if the storm appears to have moved on, you’re still at risk of a lightning strike. Also, thunderstorms can change direction suddenly, putting you back in harm’s way if you’ve resumed your activities too soon.

Being caught in a thunderstorm while kayaking can be frightening, but you can stay safe by following these steps. With TALOS lightning detectors for kayaks, you can be aware of lighting in the area. Our lightning detectors provide timely lightning alerts, allowing you to stay informed while kayaking and dock or seek shelter promptly. Order a lightning detector today for safer kayaking adventures!

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Looks and works great!

Easy to set up and install on our boat. It provides assurance knowing we have an advanced warning system in place for storm fronts.

John G. - TALOS Lightning Detector
Looks and works great!

Easy to set up and install on our boat. It provides assurance knowing we have an advanced warning system in place for storm fronts.

John G. - TALOS Lightning Detector